Sunday, September 9, 2018

Gift Giving to Kids in Legazpi City Philippines

Victory Village, Legazpi. We provided gifts to marginalized kids, also through a collaboration with Consuelo Foundation. This is just our first batch of 15 kids.

"Bentelog" business for Mothers in Albay, Philippines

A new business called “Bentelog” for our mothers in this community.
Bentelog stands for, “bente” that means twenty (20), and “‘log” that is the short cut for “itlog”, which means egg. Bentelog therefore is a meal with egg and rice with a variant of the customer’s choice. Each meal only costs 20Php. They serve the high school students.

Livelihood Program for the Youth and Mothers in Albay, Philippines

San Francisco, Guinobatan. We provided business opportunities for the mothers through some products from breakroad35: health coffee, sanitary napkins (negative ions), and other products.

We also taught these young people to start their own business too by preparing snacks like pizzaroll and graham balls.