Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Taloto, Camalig, Albay PH Senior Citizens Received Gifts from KOOSJ

It is always an emotional day for the Senior citizens of Taloto, Camalig Albay PH when gift giving comes. KOOSJ sends gifts to them yearly and it is always worth the long travel just to reach these sweet people. Some of the old people who came were not able to sleep the night before because of too much excitement. This gift giving day is always special to them and they look forward to this day every year. They are very much thankful for everything that they received, bless their heart!

Cambodian Kids and Seniors Get Christmas Gifts

 KOOSJ is delighted to once again bring joy to the marginalized kids and old people in Phnom Penh Cambodia. They received gifts and were able to enjoy foods prepared by our ministers.

It was indeed a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Guinobatan PH Kids Had Fun During Christmas

 It was a memorable Christmas for the kids in Guinobatan, Albay Philippines as they received gifts, fun games, and foods as well. KOOSJ has been part of this ministry since about 2014.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Livelihood Project for Mothers in Bicol, Philippines

Our ministry partners spearheaded a livelihood project for mothers in Guinobatan, Albay. They learned how to make DIY detergent, dishwashing liquid, fabric conditioner, pet shampoo, and car shampoo. The supply that we bought (kits ready for preparing and storing) will be good for the next six months. This will be a great way for them to get an additional source of income especially these days when prices of commodities are continuously rising. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Children's Home in Kitui

A separate project at the same children's home in Kitui which cares for around 70 children. 

The home's water well had dried up and they were running out of water. They had assistance from a German group who could drill a deep 100 foot well but the Home did not have the funds to obtain a pipe that could access the deep well.   What KOOSJ did was provide the funds to purchase the pipes and pump mechanism for two wells, one for drinking water and the other for irrigation.