Sunday, October 30, 2022

Service to Kitui, a Drought-stricken area in northern Kenya

This is a project for a children's home in Kitui, a Drought-stricken  area in northern Kenya   This was an important mission as the  drought had caused food shortages as well as a shortage of donations.  This caused the home to have to ration the food to just one meal per day for the children.  We were able to provide much needed food supplies.  

Monday, October 3, 2022

KOOSJ Provided A Television for the Kids in Cambodia

Our hearts are glad to see how the new television sponsored by KOOSJ has been helping the kids in Cambodia as they learn English, Math, Science and other basic subjects. Most of these kids can hardly go to school because of poverty.

Pastor Ron is leading our ministry and outreaches to the marginalized families in Cambodia, 
Let us continuously pray for him, his family, and ministry.