Saturday, December 30, 2023

Joyful Christmas Party for the Albay Kids in the Philippines

 KOOSJ brings joy once again to these kids from Bicol Albay Philippines. They enjoyed their toys, foods, and games during the holidays. Here are some photos from their party.

Friday, December 22, 2023


 It was our maiden mission to this beautiful home located in Machakos County. 

The Home is more of an family than a orphanage, and this was evidently seen through their smiles and love for one another. The children participate in the various duties assigned to them. 

We gave cereals, flour and other Foodstuffs. It was a great pleasure to Chrismas with these jubilant children. 


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Aurkun Charan KOOSJ From Phnom Penh Cambodia Family

Our Partners/Family in Cambodia celebrated Christmas with a blast. The kids were very happy with their gifts as well as the youth and the mothers and fathers who regularly attend our outreach in this village in Phnom Penh. Look at the happy moments last sunday.

Our Cambodia Team