Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 This home has been experiencing food shortage due to their location and constant admission of new children. 

As usual, we responded to their call for food by donating cereals, flour and other foods.
We hope to help them start a farm in order to have a sustainable food supply. 

Monday, April 15, 2024


 It was the first mission to this home located in the outskirts of Nakuru County.
The Home is made up of 70 Children, most of them who are teenagers.
They were grateful for the goodies we gave them. 

Providing Food for their Khmer New Year

 The simple life in the village is everything. Some of our village people went to their provinces while some remained for the Khmer New Year. This was our fellowship last sunday and the ones who remained got their food groceries. They were so happy that they get to have food on their table this very important time of the year.