Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas at Homeless Transition Project

In Dec 2019, we conducted our annual Christmas giving at Kauhale Kamaile transition Housing project which is overseen by our clergy Knight Fr. Philip Harmon. We prepared food and gifts for 46 children and sundries and rice for 21 families.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Typhoon Tisoy Relief Response Part 2 and 3

We served the senior citizens in Taloto, Camalig Albay.
Until now they do not have electricity because of Typhoon Tisoy.
It was a blessing to be of service to them that day especially
trying to cheer them up this yuletide season.

Our friends below are those from the 4-6km zone of Mt.Mayon.
They were some of the families intensely harmed by the typhoon because of the
mountain runoff aside from the strongwind and rain.

Let us continue to pray for them in Jesus' name.

(Some photos are not included in this post because of some considerations)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Typhoon Tisoy Relief Response

These are people from Albay who suffered from the super typhoon "Tisoy".
During the typhoon they evacuated to a safer place and when they came back, 
their roofs were swept off. But you will see in the picture that
it is somehow wisely fixed, thanks to the husband of one of our church 
members who is a skilled carpenter. Nonetheless, we will continue
to support the complete restoration of their destroyed houses.
We provided them rice and groceries during this visit.
More to go. The Lord is good always.

Here are some pictures of the typhoon's aftermath:

Photo credits to the Municipal Mayor of Guinobatan, Mayor Ongjoco.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Revisiting Our Kids in Myanmar

We have revisited our friends in Myanmar especially the kids whom we serve before in Nankan (Sagaing State).

Some of those kids are now brought to Yangon so they can study. Their families cannot afford to send them to school so this center becomes their new home until they finish school.

We provided them with their needs for the next few months like rice, oil, rice cooker, noodles, and then books for their studies.

This time we visited a new orphanage, about 2 hours from Yangon central. The home is called Hosanna orphanage. We are amazed by how disciplined and well groomed the kids are. We tried to provide them basic needs too like rice, oil, flour, and noodles. Everyone was blessed!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pursuing The Dreams of Bangladesh Kids

We are continually supporting the school needs of these orphanage schools in Bangladesh. God bless these kids!