Saturday, December 26, 2020

Seniors From the Philippines Get Christmas Gifts from KOOSJ

 For the second time, the team has visited these Seniors from Camalig Albay. The LORD is good!

Christmas Gift Giving to San Francisco Lahar Victims in the Philippines

 We bring smile under the masks for these poor kids and some parents, who were victims of Super Typhoon Rolly in the Philippines. Everyone is still recovering from the devastation of the said typhoon last november. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Mission To Rwanda

 Our missionary conducted a mission to Rwanda because he had heard that conditions were very serious there because of food shortages.  

Ephraim says:  In my opinion, the mission was a success despite the numerous challenges that I faced there.  I even had to be quarantined for 48 as at my own cost. But all in all, I managed to learn about the people and the challenges the kids face. So, next time I'll be in a better position to maybe install tanks and do more. Let's plan this sir once things go back to normal.

Thanks for your support.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

School Supplies to Cambodia Kids

 We are privileged to be in service to the kids of Cambodia through our missionary. Our support for the weekly village ministries has gone for almost eight months now. Recently, we have provided school supplies to the kids in preparation for their school opening in October.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Reaching Out to the Poor Families in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

 We had the privilege to send our food supplies to Sihanoukville, a 7-hour drive province from Phnom Penh. The kids, mothers, and elders were very happy to experience the love of Christ during our visit. Most kids here are malnourished and we hope and pray that this problem will be solved in the near future.